
Started the week well (I supposed...) because I'm happy to see all my classmates yay and I had EwF for dinner WAHAHAHAHA food makes me happy #fatforlife

And on Tuesday...

I finally met up with my belly buttons yay!!!!! Agi ended class at 11am and I was really really very off form for Financial Accounting class so I went to look for her. Rained fucking heavily and we ran in the rain HAHAHA SO FUNNY STUPID AGINAYA. Run until so ugly. HAHAHA. 

So me, rach py and agi met up after school and we headed over to Rach's house located at Bishan. I was really having a bad day but I managed to just endure all the shits and laugh the unhappiness away with them HAHAHA I FUCKING LOVE THEM!!!!! When was the last time I even laughed till I almost teared lolol. Yay we're gonna be bffs for life 

So we went swimming and it was damn fun HAHAHA we all wanted to swim 10 laps HAHAHAHA LOSER PANYING SWAM HORIZONTALLY HAHAHA SO LOSER HAHAHAHA SO QT

ya we all WANTED TO. but i swam 1.5 laps only i gave up HAHA SO TIRING LEH. so we ended up just sitting at the jacuzzi pool and talked about life....... wahahahaha. so after we all showered and all, we went to Thomson road and had dinner at Prata house!!!! :D

I was spazzing over how nice my hair was ONLY AT NIGHT. so ya, must camwhore abit. Just once la aiya

Can't wait to fix my grass cb can't wait to go to the salon NOW 

Had a really awesome day with them and I'm really really glad they were there for me throughout all these years........... LOL HAHAHA just less than a year. But going to!!!!! I really like how I can really be myself when I'm with them and all omg love you guys so much 

So I finally met up with Von on a wednesday evening to have dinner YAYYYYYYYY. it's been damn long ever since we've last met or talked to each other (irl) and I'm really glad we did.... hehehehe yayyyyyy. Dinner at CWP (i forgot the shop's name) and had ice cream for dessert at Marble Slab Creamery....... HAHAHAHA FML this week sucks I ate so much fattening food

Didn't manage to take any pictures with her cause I'm forever looking cui so ya my life sucks lol. My day was really terrible that day so yay finally someone to make my day better!!!! 

So my class had a field trip at Sentosa on Thursday.. Fucking 9am. Lol. So I had McDonald's for breakfast yay another reason why I'm #fatforlife lol. Met up with the rest of the class and I was really fucking tired I was really whining and complaining about the weather the distance and... EVERYTHING LA 

So the small group of us (just 7) went to Siloso beach (if i remembered clearly) and played Volleyball............ HAHAHAHA SO LOSER WE ONLY PLAYED FOR AWHILE 

Really enjoyed my day with 'em yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So lazy to blog already bb 

12 January 2013 @ 9:16 pm / 0 daisies

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