Through it all

 So I was looking through my photo albums and look at how organized I am. Lol. I know, i know. Everyone says I'm very organized and neat wahahahah. /flips hair

So i was looking at my pictures from 2012 and I read through some blogs and all... Then I felt really sad because I just realised that I've been focusing too damn much on someone or something else that I'm starting to forget about everyone else. 

I really miss them (photos below) because they were the one who made my life a lot happier and meaningful after O's. They were the one who made my 6 months holidays that meaningful and fun and all lol. And even though we're not that close anymore like before, I really am thankful for them in my life. 

"new friends are good. old friends are the best. "

 I can't promise that I can help to solve any of my friends' problems or unhappiness, but I can say that if they ever need me, I'm just a text or call away. I really really miss them so much. 

27 January 2013 @ 10:51 pm / 0 daisies

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